Friday, March 2, 2012

Self-Critique:Thursday & Friday

Thursday Critique:

So, Mr. Newsome basically said I suck, but more importantly what I took most from this is I don't know how to talk about my work. This is kind of weird, I know what I like (I think) but I don't know what I'm trying to say about them. Obviously, I need to work on this. In general, I think this will strengthen my work as whole besides the whole not being "technically proficient" deal. That's another thing in itself. Besides, that was last year(semester) it doesn't matter, I've grown from that, but of course I'm not saying I'm the shit now, either. Yeah, made mistakes, learn from them.

Let's do some unpacking for the Friday stint. There are a lot of things I want to do better, and still can. I've been doing a bunch of small animations this entire time but haven't been serious on making them long and interesting and explosive- this is something I want to change for tomorrow, I'm going to add them all into one, as well as put a threshold on the boxes as Jorge suggested. Then mark up the keyboard and add text asking people to USE THE BLACK KEYBOARD before my piece.Mark the keys on the keyboard that actually work as well (with white paint)

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